Claims of extremism at heart of child custody case

On Behalf of | Nov 30, 2017 | Child Custody |

When it comes to religion, even happily married couples often struggle to agree on how to raise their children. Even those who practice the same basic religion can sometimes have conflict over certain aspects of how they practice their faith. This conflict is often compounded for parents in New Hampshire who are no longer in a romantic relationship. Typically, courts do not make child custody decisions based on religious disputes between the parents.

However, they may take religion into consideration if they feel that the practice of the religion could be detrimental to the child. Such an argument has recently been raised in a child custody case in another state. The mother — who is a practicing Muslim — claims that her husband is instilling tenets of Muslim extremism in their son.

Court papers claim that her husband’s influence has already resulted in a federal investigation. She argues that, after her son mentioned on a playground that he would die for his God as a result of his father’s influence, the principal contacted the local police department who, in turn, contacted the Joint Terrorism Task Force. The mother also claims that her former spouse has told her son that playing the saxophone and performing in a school play is against his religion.

Each of the parents, who also have a daughter together, are seeking sole custody. While shared child custody is often the preferred arrangement, there are certain circumstances that could merit special consideration. An attorney can help parents in New Hampshire with concerns about their child’s well-being as a result of the other parent’s actions can help ensure that the court is fully informed about pertinent issues.

Source: New York Post, “Mom: My ex is teaching our son extremist Muslim views“, Julia Marsh, Nov. 27, 2017

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