Relationships always take work. You might think that if you and your New Hampshire partner move in together, it can strengthen your relationship. However, some experts believe that cohabitation before marriage can actually lead to problems down the road and increase...
Manchester Attorneys Here For You
Month: June 2021
What to know about bankruptcy after a divorce
Filing for bankruptcy after a divorce may seem like an effective way of achieving a greater level of financial stability. However, there are many rules that you should be aware of before submitting your bankruptcy petition to a New Hampshire court. For instance, child...
Be careful buying a home during divorce
People naturally want to get back on their feet as soon as possible after a divorce. They may seek to buy a New Hampshire home right away, but this is not always easy due to divorce-related issues. It is possible, but perhaps the best thing is to wait until the...
Three reasons why long-term marriages can end in divorce
Some people assume that divorces only happen in short-term marriages. However, divorces can also happen to couples married for decades. If your spouse asked for a divorce in New Hampshire, it can feel like it came out of nowhere. Here are several common reasons why...