Collaborative divorce is a different way to end a marriage that focuses on working together and showing respect. This process can also help parents have a better co-parenting relationship after divorce. Collaborative divorce helps parents work together more easily...
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Collaborative Law
How do third-party professionals guide collaborative divorces?
Collaborative divorce is designed to promote a peaceful, cooperative resolution to marital issues. Third-party professionals play a crucial role in this process, offering specialized knowledge and guidance to both parties. Financial professionals help with asset...
Understanding child support in divorce cases
Divorce is a challenging process, especially when children become involved. One central aspect to consider is child support. Child support is financial assistance provided by one parent to the other for the care and well-being of their child. It is important to go...
Failure to pay child support and driver’s license revocation
Child support is an important responsibility that some noncustodial parents have to ensure the well-being of their children. These court-ordered financial obligations help with the costs of raising a child, covering expenses such as food, clothing, education and...
How should I prepare for a collaborative divorce?
The collaborative divorce process has many benefits for you and your family. It helps to reduce the often argumentative nature of the process and focuses more on working together. If you have chosen to use the collaborative approach to your divorce, it can help to...
Knowing the potential benefits of collaborative divorce
Collaborative family law is an alternative to litigating a divorce that can be beneficial in a variety of ways. Couples who have made the decision to divorce should next make the decision as to how they want to handle their divorce and should know about the advantages...
How can collaborative law help me through my divorce?
The collaborative law process involves the divorcing spouses meeting, along with their representatives, to resolve divorce-related concerns. The alternative to the collaborative law divorce process is to litigate the divorce which can be unfavorable for both spouses....
Why would I want to seek a collaborative divorce in 2020?
Couples going through a divorce in 2020 faced unique challenges. Courts may have been closed, at least for a while, and those that have re-opened may be facing a backlog of cases. As an alternative, hearings were made remotely and for some couples in the Manchester...
Why choose the collaborative process for the divorce
There are many different reasons that couples in New Hampshire divorce and there are many couples that get divorced each year. The reasons for the divorce may dictate the divorce process that the couple ends up using. People may not realize it, but couples do have...
What is collaborative divorce?
Collaborative divorce is an alternative to a traditionally-litigated divorce that can be beneficial in some circumstances for divorcing couples and their families. It is helpful for couples who have made the difficult decision to divorce to understand what...