Don’t feel rushed to make post-divorce living arrangements

On Behalf of | Feb 15, 2018 | Divorce |

Ending a New Hampshire marriage requires a considerable investment of time and energy. There are many decisions to be made and seemingly very little time to make life-altering choices. When it comes to deciding where to live after a divorce, it’s important to avoid rushing into a decision that can have lasting ramifications.

Some spouses feel compelled to get a jump on their post-divorce life by making sweeping changes. Housing options, however, should never be rushed. Be sure to take the time to make a decision that is good for the long-term and not just an impulsive solution to an immediate need. It takes some time to settle into life as a single person once a divorce is finalized. Only then is it advisable to begin working to find a new long-term home.

Many people prefer to rent for a year or two after a divorce, versus buying a home right away. That can be a good approach, as renting allows the time to really look around and find the right property. Rushing into a big purchase in the immediate aftermath of a divorce is usually ill-advised.

When working through the final stages of a divorce, it’s perfectly natural to want to focus on the future. However, taking the time to make a well-informed housing decision is the best way to move forward. There will be plenty of time to find the perfect New Hampshire home, and renting for a year or two allows the freedom and flexibility needed to make that dream a reality.

Source:, “Deciding where to live during and after a divorce“, Dawn Doebler, Feb. 6, 2018

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