A prenuptial agreement can be a powerful safeguard when entering a marriage. This is especially true when one or both spouses have significant assets. However, circumstances can change over time. You might understandably wonder if it is worth your while to amend the...
Manchester Attorneys Here For You
Month: August 2024
Steps for dividing investments during a New Hampshire divorce
Divorce can raise many questions regarding the equitable division of investments. This process involves various legal considerations, but knowing how your investments will be divided is important, as this knowledge can help you plan for financial changes after a...
Can inherited property be taken in a divorce?
Safeguard your financial interests by knowing how courts treat inherited property in a divorce. You should know how the law views these assets and what factors affect their division. Marital vs. separate property Marital property includes assets you acquire during the...
Who are the best witnesses for child custody in New Hampshire?
When facing a child custody trial in New Hampshire, having the right witnesses can make a significant difference. The court's primary concern is the child's best interests, and the witnesses you choose can help demonstrate what is best for the child. Understanding who...