Non-custodial parents still have rights

On Behalf of | Sep 6, 2019 | Child Custody |

As a parent, one of your main concerns is how you can protect your right to have a strong relationship with your children after divorce. Perhaps you and your spouse are unable to reach a beneficial resolution on custody and visitation on your own, leaving you with little option but to take your case to a New Hampshire family court. The final order may grant the other parent primary custody, and you may be confused as to where that leaves you.

Even if you are not the primary custodian of your kids, you still have certain rights. You will also have certain obligations to meet as well. It is in your interests to understand these things completely, as failure to adhere to the custody order, even by accident, can result in complications. Being a non-custodial parent does not make you a bad parent or less important than the other parent.

What are your rights?

Courts recognize the importance of allowing kids to maintain strong relationships with both parents after divorce. Even when granting primary custody to the other parent, the court will likely be quite generous with the visitation time granted to you. It is extremely important for you to follow the terms of the visitation schedule to the best of your ability. If you have a visit or are supposed to pick up your kids, do it.

It’s not easy being away from your kids part of the time, but you will find it beneficial and helpful to keep your focus on what is in their best interests. Support the other parent, do not talk bad about him or her in front of the kids, and work hard to provide them with emotional stability and support. They are probably having a hard time, too, and your actions will impact them.

What are your obligations? 

As the non-custodial parent, you will probably have to pay child support. This may seem unfair or like a burden to you, but it is in the interests of your kids. It is always in your interests to follow the terms of a support order, but if it is a problem or your financial circumstances change, you may be able to seek a modification.

Parenting after divorce

It’s not easy being a parent after divorce, especially if you are not the custodial parent. The terms of your final custody and support order will impact both you and your children for years, and it’s prudent to fight for terms that are fair and sustainable. It is helpful to speak to a legal advocate regarding the best way for you to fight for your parental rights during this process.