Key factors that will guide child custody decisions

On Behalf of | Aug 27, 2020 | Child Custody |

When children are involved in a divorce or separation, it is important that their parents and the court make good decisions about their present and future care. In New Hampshire, there are many factors that the courts can evaluate to decide where and with whom a child will live and who many have the power to make decisions about their upbringing. Since every child custody case is different and involves different facts, it is important that parents seek independent legal advice. This post does not provide any legal guidance.

Child custody factors: An overview

Child custody factors can relate to the child or their parents. For example, the developmental needs of a child are considered, but so are the abilities of the child’s parents to meet those needs. The relationships that exist between the parents and the child, the child’s relationships with others in their homes and in their communities, and other factors can all play important roles in how to whom custody is granted.

A child’s preferences may come into play

In New Hampshire, there are instances when a court may take into account the preferences of a child when making a child custody decision. Sufficient evidence must be offered to show that a child can make a mature and sound judgement about their wishes regarding their own custody before it will be considered. As readers may see, not all child custody cases will allow child preference to be considered.

Addressing challenges during the custody process

It can be hard for parents to accept that they may not have full and complete access to their children once their marriages or relationships are over. These concerns and challenges can impact parents and their relationship with their kids. Help with the legal aspects of child custody can be discussed with family law attorneys.


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