Tips for protecting your custody arrangements despite a demanding job

On Behalf of | Aug 7, 2020 | Child Custody, Divorce |

It is not uncommon for one or both parents to spend significant time dedicated to their work. But when those parents seek to end their marriage, what may have been a minor inconvenience in their family life could now influence the fate of the child custody arrangements.

If you are a parent with a demanding career and you are going through a divorce, it may help you to know some ways to best prepare for the future and ensure your child’s best interests are not compromised by your work life. After all, if the family court believes you cannot provide an adequate amount of quality time, you may get significantly less time with your child than your ex-spouse.

Have a realistic mindset and plan ahead

You know your limits, and you likely have an expectation for how the next few years of your working life will look. If you pursue more parenting time than your schedule will allow, you might find yourself overburdened or even presenting the court with an unrealistic parenting outlook.

Be understanding toward others involved

Remembering you are not the only one involved may go a long way. Not only should you put your child first in your planning ahead and in the courtroom, but you should try to recognize that the judge and your ex-spouse likely want what is best for your child.

Prepare yourself for schedule adjustments

Does your boss know that you may need to leave work early a few times a week? What about childcare needs or rides from school? It may be that you ask people in your life to be flexible while you and your child adjust to the new lifestyle following divorce. The earlier you can start adapting and planning for this change, the better.

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