Is a reconciliation attempt required in a New Hampshire divorce?

On Behalf of | Nov 20, 2020 | Divorce |

When New Hampshire couples conclude that their marriage is over and want to divorce, they frequently want to complete it as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, there are certain laws in the state that people should understand as the process moves forward. That includes the reasons for the divorce and if there are any fundamental requirements that the court will need completed before granting the dissolution. For people who want to get a divorce, it is wise to have legal advice from the start to avoid any problems from hindering the process. That includes knowing whether the court will order an attempt at reconciliation.

Grounds for divorce in New Hampshire

A divorce can be granted for many reasons including: if there is impotency; adultery; extreme cruelty; one spouse is convicted of a crime and imprisoned for more than one year; serious injuries were inflicted or the person’s health was endangered; there has been an absence without contact of at least two years; if there is habitual drunkenness for at least two years; if a party has joined a religious group that deems the marriage illegal and the parties have not lived together for at least six months; or if there was abandonment and refusal to live together for two years.

People can also get a divorce if they claim to have irreconcilable differences. This is a relatively simple method of ending the marriage and means that they can no longer live together with no specific reason given. No assertions of misconduct can be admitted in the court record except in situations where there is a dispute over parenting and it is needed to come to a fair determination regarding children. If the court decides that there is a chance that the marriage can be salvaged, it can order an attempt at reconciliation. The parties will be sent to a counseling agency and both sides are required to agree to the attempt. While this is often futile, there are cases where it might be effective. Those who are unsure about their divorce should understand this and prepare accordingly.

Legal assistance can be helpful when seeking a divorce

Divorce is a complicated endeavor. Often, it is preferable for a couple to part ways rather than remain in an unhappy relationship. Still, the court might require that there be counseling for reconciliation. Regardless of the details of the case, those who are thinking about a divorce should be cognizant of the law and know how to proceed. This is true for contentious cases and ones in which negotiation can settle the divorce issues or even save the marriage. Calling for advice is imperative.


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