Learning to co-parent effectively

On Behalf of | Aug 6, 2021 | Child Custody |

Child custody is one of the stickiest issues in divorces in New Hampshire and across the country. Parents love their children and want to be involved in their lives. Adjusting to a new schedule and learning to work together while living apart are hard on parents. It’s important to find ways to co-parent effectively for the good of their children.

Make co-parenting go smoothly

One of the most important factors in effective co-parenting is communication. It’s important to be clear with, and to hear, both your ex and your children. Their concerns are as key as yours in making the process work.

Sometimes, parents have only visitation and not shared custody. This can be a difficult pill to swallow. In a situation like this, it’s important for the other parent to be sensitive to this issue. They should try to stay neutral and supportive. They also need to be willing to listen to their child’s feelings about the new arrangements in a neutral fashion.

People also need to keep each other updated on scheduling issues. Today, it’s easier than ever to do that. Co-parents can share a child custody or visitation schedule on a shared Google doc. They can text each other instead of having to speak on the phone. It’s possible to find a way to work with your ex to ensure that they are able to maintain a relationship with your children, too.

Finally, it’s hard to get used to spending time away from your children while they’re with their other parent. There are support groups that can help you process these feelings. The extra time is also an opportunity to join groups or participate in activities that you were too busy for before. If you’re happy, it will be easier for your kids to be happy, too.

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