8 valuable assets to consider during a divorce

On Behalf of | Dec 28, 2023 | High-Asset Divorce |

Divorce is a challenging process that involves the division of assets acquired during the marriage.

Forbes states that most marriages start out as contested, but most parties eventually reach an agreement, so 10% of all divorces are highly contested and involve many assets. Understanding the various types of assets and their implications is important for a fair settlement.

1. Real estate

Real property, including the marital home, vacation homes and investment properties, is a significant asset. Deciding who retains ownership or how to divide proceeds requires careful consideration. Consider the current market value, mortgage obligations and any potential tax consequences.

2. Financial accounts

Bank accounts, savings and investments fall under this category. It is important to review joint and individual accounts, take note of balances, and determine equitable distribution. Be aware of potential tax implications related to investment accounts.

3. Retirement accounts

401(k)s, pensions and IRAs accumulated during the marriage are subject to division. Understand the implications of dividing retirement assets, including tax consequences and potential penalties. A qualified domestic relations order may be necessary for certain retirement accounts.

4. Personal property

Household items, furniture and personal belongings hold sentimental value. While dividing these assets can be emotionally challenging, a fair distribution is important. Make a comprehensive list of items and engage in open communication to reach an agreement.

5. Business interests

If one or both spouses own a business, determining its value and deciding how to handle ownership is important. Options include selling the business, one spouse buying out the other or maintaining joint ownership with clear guidelines.

6. Debts

Alongside assets, it is important to address shared debts. Mortgages, loans and credit card balances need to be fairly distributed. Understanding the responsibility for each debt is important to avoid financial complications post-divorce.

7. Insurance policies

Review life insurance policies, health insurance and other coverage types. Determine if changes are necessary post-divorce, such as updating beneficiaries or securing individual policies.

8. Automobiles and vehicles

You must address ownership of vehicles, including cars, motorcycles and recreational vehicles. Consider the value, outstanding loans and insurance coverage associated with each vehicle.

Navigating the division of assets during a divorce requires careful consideration of various financial elements. Open communication and a clear understanding of the implications of each decision are important for a fair resolution.

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