Spousal support, also called alimony, provides financial assistance after a divorce. In New Hampshire, the rules about this support depend on several factors. If you are planning to remarry once your divorce is finalized, you might wonder whether you can seek spousal...
Manchester Attorneys Here For You
How should you tell your children about divorce?
When you and your spouse decide to end your marriage, you may have many concerns about what the divorce process will bring. One of these concerns is likely how your children will cope with this change in their lives. Divorce can be an emotionally challenging...
How can you protect intellectual property in a divorce?
Divorce has many challenges, especially when it comes to dividing assets. There are many things to consider regarding businesses, real estate and other holdings. A divorce can potentially jeopardize your hard-earned intellectual property rights. Is there a way to...
Postnuptials give protection in certain situations after marriage
You may have heard of a prenuptial agreement, a contract couples sign before marriage to protect assets in the case of a divorce, often used in situations where one partner has considerably more wealth than the other. Couples on equal financial footing or who have few...
How to safely leave your marriage
New Hampshire law allows you to file for divorce for any reason, but it doesn't mean that your spouse is going to make it easy to leave. However, there are steps that you may be able to take in an effort to extricate yourself from a toxic relationship in a safe...
3 common myths about prenuptial agreements
Prenuptial agreements are a tool used to protect individuals' assets in the case of a divorce. There are many misconceptions surrounding them that are important to dispel. 1. They are only for wealthy people Prenuptial agreements are a common form of contract used...
When is it better to get a legal separation instead of a divorce?
When a couple considers parting ways, in certain situations, choosing to get a legal separation can be a smart move. This type of separation offers a middle ground between staying married and getting a divorce. Understanding when it is best to pursue a legal...
A strong predictor of divorce
Many spouses file for divorce every year, and some New Hampshire marriages collapse because of severe problems, such as substance abuse or mental cruelty. However, other marriages fall apart because of irreconcilable differences. These types of problems often develop...
How to deal with the emotional aspects of divorce
Even when both parties agree on key aspects of divorce, challenges still exist. One major hurdle has to do with the emotional upheaval divorce can cause. While it is not possible to avoid all negative emotions, taking the right approach can help you maintain wellness...
When children helping out crosses into parentification
It is common in many families with more than one child for the older ones to take on more responsibilities as they age. It is also natural to expect children to contribute to the household through chores. However, there are situations where "helping out" becomes...