Lawyers Protecting The Rights Of Professionals In Divorce

Professionals with high income and significant assets face many unique concerns and challenges during divorce and other family law matters. With so much at stake, it is important to seek legal representation from a law firm who understands the complexities of the property issues at stake, including:

  • License valuation
  • Current and future value of the practice
  • Partnership issues
  • Deferred compensation and bonuses
  • The value of intellectual property rights

If you are a professional or the spouse of a professional needing experienced legal counsel in complex divorce matters in New Hampshire, talk to an attorney at Clark Law PLLC in Manchester. Our clients include licensed professionals across a full range of fields. Property division is always difficult and complex during divorce. Our property division lawyers help clients manage the issues– with a focus on meaningful end-results. Obtaining a property settlement that is equitable is the focus of the family court. However, there are many factors to evaluate. When a professional or business interest is part of the mix, it is vital to work with a legal team with experience in these complex issues.

Protecting The Rights Of Spouses

We also represent the spouses of professionals who want to be treated fairly in the divorce process. Our extensive experience in family law matters, including collaborative law and mediation, helps us reach fair and reasonable resolutions in matters of property division, child custody and alimony.

Child Custody

Many of our high-earning clients work hard to provide for their children. This is important, but it may pose a challenge when matters of child custody and parenting time are at issue in a divorce.

An experienced family law attorney can help you maintain your other important job — that of being a parent. At Clark Law PLLC, we will build a strong case for you to have the time and relationship with your children that you deserve as a parent. Our lawyers also help couples engaged in mediation or collaborative law to reach fair, sustainable parenting arrangements that protect the best interests of the children.

Valuing And Protecting Your Business

If you or your spouse has put hard work and resources into a family business or other enterprise, you face the additional challenges of business asset valuation — determining the business’s value and dividing those assets in divorce.

Don’t let your spouse or his or her counsel tell you the value of your business. Seek representation from your own attorney to protect your interests and pursue a fair division of marital and business assets. Our qualified network of professionals will work to fully understand your business and your family’s situation so we can be strong advocates on your behalf.

Contact Our Proven Divorce Attorneys

For attentive, professional assistance in even the most complex divorce matters, call Clark Law PLLC at 603-473-4338 or contact us via email. From our office in Manchester, New Hampshire, we serve clients throughout the surrounding area.