Family court judges in New Hampshire and throughout the country want to promote the ideal of children having both parents in their lives, but that can leave you co-parenting with an abusive ex. Domestic abuse often causes post-traumatic stress disorder among...
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Child Custody
The factors that New Hampshire judges use to decide custody
The decision to award custody is not a simple one. When New Hampshire judges are ruling on these matters, they consider a variety of factors that affect the child’s life. The priority for the court is to determine what is in the child’s best interests. To do this,...
Understanding the different kinds of child custody
Going through a divorce can wreak emotional havoc on New Hampshire families. This is especially true when children are involved. Understanding the different types of custody can help you better navigate the divorce process. Custody types and parenting plans Working...
What makes a good parenting plan?
Parents in New Hampshire are generally allowed to retain a relationship with their children after a divorce or separation. The rights and responsibilities of each parent will typically be contained within a written parenting plan. A parenting plan can either be...
Why change a parenting plan?
New Hampshire courts generally allow both parents to take an active role in a child's life after they divorce. In many cases, the terms of a parenting plan are crafted by the parents themselves before being approved by a court. If circumstances warrant, the terms of...
Co-parenting with a narcissist
A co-parenting plan could establish rules and order for child care and custody. Former couples may no longer get along after receiving a final divorce decree in New Hampshire, but they might still need to interact because of their children. Troubles and conflicts...
Why it’s important to help your child maintain a relationship with your ex
There’s no doubt that it can be incredibly hard to have cordial interactions with your ex-spouse – particularly if you went through a very contentious divorce. As difficult as it can be, there are important reasons why it will benefit your child greatly for you to...
Does a parent’s finances impact child custody cases?
Child custody battles can be time-consuming and expensive in Manchester, New Hampshire. The average legal fees are between $1,200 and $4,500 and increase with lengthy cases. A parent may make less than their spouse, but income is only one factor in the courtroom....
How do New Hampshire courts decide child custody issues?
As a parent, divorce can feel incredibly stressful. In addition to figuring out your newly separated life from your spouse, you also need to negotiate how you will care for your children. It can feel overwhelming going from being with your child every day to a...
Filing a parenting petition in New Hampshire
As New Hampshire parents get ready to live separate lives after a separation or divorce, they will need to file for custody. Understanding the criteria and the steps necessary to file a parenting petition will help them complete the process correctly and efficiently....